some artworks in possession of
Land Burgenland
trimedia, Wien
Institut für Tropenmedizin Stemberger, Wien
Minoriten , Graz
private collections
cynthia schwertsik | |||||
cynthia schwertsik Painting, Performance & Installation. Living and working with RED WHITE (Australia), Sculpteur & 2 children: MAX 1990 & CASPAR QUINT 2003. Childhood in Vienna, USA, London, Paris Sweden, Education, Painting & Textile design in Salzburg, Graz & Vienna Vienna University – Egyptology / Art History Dance in Graz & Vienna, working as a dancer and setdesigner, since 1992 creating performances und installations, projects in public space and communial participation. 2013 December, Artist in Residence, Cleland Wildlife Park, Mount Lofty, South Australia "Ich brauch Tapetenwechsel" Exhibition & Event with Michael Endlicher, at MUSA, Vienna Art Week Kunsthalle Exnergasse ,Photography & Performance, Vienna 2011 KULTURa Exhibition through Styria & Slowena, Photography & Performance, curated by Veronika Dreier AIR – Hotel PUPIK – Artist in Reseidence, Schrattenberg, Styria Shared Space – Steet / Pavement painting. Festival: Lendwirbel, with Architects: PENTAPLAN, ,Graz Gruene Galerie, Vienna – Presents Cynthia Schwertsik Big Project. , curated by I. Czerwenka-Wenkstetten, Sala Terrena, Heiligenkreuzerhof - Academy of Arts, Vienna Orient / Okzident Exhibition / Competition Rosenheimstiftung, Offenbach 2010 "HALLO irrgast" art goes science III, Uni –BOKU, UNI - Wien, Exhibition & Symposion curated by Gertrude Moser-Wagner CHARTA INCOGNITA, gezinkte karten with Michael Endlicher, Festival: unORTnung“, Vienna “KULTURa“ installation & performance, Gallery Kon-temporaer, Graz, by Veronika Dreier “Legends of Culture“ Photography, Right on the Rim, Project Saloon, Johannesburg, 30 January - 25 February 2010 Chateau des Reaux sur Loire – Paintings, Exhibition „PROJEKTIONEN 2010, ein Wunsch kommt selten allein“, by Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten, Sala Terrena, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Wie 2009/2010 2 months - ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, Johannesburg, South Africa 2009 „Portrait“ – Painting, in G.A.S.-Station, Berlin „Ganz, ganz nahe“ – Painting, MASC-Foundation, Wien „Coffe Space“ Installation & Painting with Issa Touma, monY khourY im Basement, Wien, & Womansart - festival, Aleppo, Syria Participation in “POP UP”, London - Paintings „LAST NAME“ Photography & Text at unORTnung“, 10, Galerie Denkraum & ega –Vienna 1 Month Residency Burgundy, Chateau Monthelon 2008 “ViennArt 2008 “ eop, Paintings, MUSA, Wien „DIE LAGEBESPRECHUNG“ Paintings at esc, Graz „TRIBUTE TO TRIXI“ Paintings, Ragnerhof, Wien 2006/07 12 Weeks Working Grant, traveling in Australia and reserching. 2006 Ex Sampling photography „blank“ im Künstlerhaus SUNDAY DRIVERS, sound - installation with Red White, at:„Spurwechsel“, Technisches Museum Wien DISPLAY 2006 – “displaced” Ausstellungsreihe von PIPELINE, Wien, Installation – tared & fetherd DAMENWAHL, Iron out: Installation & Malerei, Schloß Wolfsberg & Bad Radkersburg 2005 „Eltern haften für ihre Kinder“ Painting & Drawings, Kramsach, Tirol "a room of my own" – art on the tracks of BIEDERMEIER, by M.Huxter, Installation - Hofmobiliendepot, Wien „imitating the monumental“ Festival:„Process Space“ Bulgaria Show: Balcik, Rousse & Sofia, Gallery Stock, Wien 2004 Theatre-project, with Musician - Joao de Bruco (Brasil) & Red White - sculpture, at Traiskirchen with youth asylant seekers. shows: Schauspielhaus Wien & austria - tournee. „on the road, still“ about ASPHALT - International Symposion, Drosendorf, Radiofeature in ORF Diagonal & Katalog FASHION & ART, London, with Boutique gegenalltag Paintings Gallery „A41“, Vienna 2002/04 Installation „tared & featherd“ for the Musicfestival „UNLIMITED XVI“, Wels, Schlachthof, Galerie Pendel, Waidhofen/Ybbs, & in MASC foundation 2002 "take off", movement & photo - Installation, with Maren Theel, Berlin, festival "UTISAK-OTISAK" by Ivan Mesek, Varazdin, Kroatia & Galerie im Pfalzhaus, Deutschland 2000 "fishing for thoughts", installation, red white & klaus filip, festival Labin, kroatia (by T.Jelinek) 1998/99 1 year artist in residence, at Cirque (ueli hirzl), Chateau de Monthelon, Burgundy, France 1999 installation & movement "maison de vente" avec jeanne laurent, paris / monthelon 1998 "99% Recycled Internet", projekt mit david guez, paris "mr. & mrs red white - sack & pack, photoinstallation,: mobil architecture, messing network, Depot, Wien 1997 outdoor installation & indoor action, curated by "trans wien., café carina, wien „das letzte Hemd“ Fahnenfestival, Krems 1996 participation in the "Phönix" network, festival Trans Europ Halles & "Labyrinth", Copenhagen 1996 Design for computer-LCD-server station, Ars Elektronica Center, Linz with Armin Lixl 1995 Installation: c7, Secession, Wien, Staatsoper, (Katalog) 1994 Painting & Multimediashow, Gallerie WIST, Graz 1993 Painting, Gallerie BabyK, frankfurt WITH WASH painting in public - monochrom white Right on Rim – Gallery, Johannesburg Museum der Unerhoerten Dinge, Berlin, Rencontres de Monthelon, Burgund, Festival “luaga&losna”, Feldkirch, SCHAURAUM, Wien, Theaterfestival Bielefeld, im Rahmen von ARTMART, Künstlerhaus Wien und Festivals: POOL-bar, Feldkirch sowie im nutzraum, Hernals 2006-08 „WISSEN SCHAFFT FRAGEN“ communication-project - 24 Dialogs between scientists & artists, in cooperation with science-reporter Sonja Bettel - Ö1, Christiane Spatt, Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten. Projectpresentation 29.5.2008 in MUSA, Museum auf Abruf, Vienna, 19. – 25.10.2007 in Library of Vienna University, Teinfaltgasse 8, in the frameprogram of “Österreich liest“ & in Projectspace 23.3.2006, Kunsthallewien 2004-07 “SALON BEAUTY FREE” with Mara Mattuschka & Elizabeth Mcglynn, Salon, guests in the Studio & Video 2000-03 “BIG BABY” performance on tour with the: Sculpture animee, RED WHITE Sculptur, KLAUS FILIP – Music, CYNTHIA SCHWERTSIK -Performance since 2000 cooperation with KONNEXWIEN – Dance for kids, Set design & requisite. 2000 founding „KLEYLEHOF“,& Expermental space in Burgenland Events: ON BORDER NO BORDER together with Jazzgalerie Nickelsdorf & 4jahre kleylehof – mit GELATINE as guests “plan b” founded in 2000 Elke Krasny, theory & curator of international exhibitions in context of architecture & urban enviroment & Cynthia Schwertsik – LAST NAME & 10 more projects in public & social space, in Various settings & festivals (SoHo – Ottakring, Vienna) 1995-98 multimediaperformance: "ZENTRIFUGE",with Jasmin Ladenhaufen, Klaus Filip, Michi Ferdiny, Red White, at knittingfactory N.Y.C., wien, kopenhagen, graz, st.petersburg, zürich 1992-97 "BIG WASCHING", Project in public space: Vienna, Frankfurt Hungarya, France 1987-99 Dance & theatere, - actrice & set designer for : BILDERWERFER, TANZ*HOTEL, Bettina Nisoli, Barbara Kraus, Hans-Peter Bergman some artworks in possession of
BMUK Land Burgenland trimedia, Wien Institut für Tropenmedizin Stemberger, Wien Minoriten , Graz private collections |